A new way to do influencer marketing.

Gen Z can be a tough crowd to reach. But they use Happenings. This is your chance to sell to or recruit them through societies.

People at JD Career Day
Aarhus Business College
Aalborg Katedralskole
Egaa Gymnasium
Esbjerg Gymnasium
EUC Lillebælt
Fredericia Gymnasium
Fredericia Maskinmesterskole
Frederikshavn Handelsskole
Hasseris Gymnasium
Hjørring Gymnasium
International Business College
Lemvig Gymnasium
Rødkilde Gymnasium
Rosborg Gymnasium og HF
Skive Gymnasium
UddannelsesCenter Ringkøbing Skjern
Viborg Gymnasium
Viborg Katedralskole
People jumping

“Amet amet eget scelerisque tellus sit neque faucibus non eleifend. Integer eu praesent at a. Ornare arcu gravida natoque erat et cursus tortor.”

Judith Rogers, CEO at Workcation

Why spend ad budget here

Every major event in a society is hosted here

Student societies, high schools, party councils, friday bars.
They use Happenings as a platform to host their events and sell tickets. The students are here, because the events are here.

Happenings is like a Facebook Group on steroids. But most importantly it is a safe space where every student is verified to be a student with UniLogin, MitID and other student verification methods.

Therefore we are able to determine the degree, age, interests, semester and much more about the students. This is a new and highly effective way for businesses to target their ads to Gen Z.

High School Party picture.

High School Party

Reach a whole high school or a specific year, i.e. 3G or 1G.

3 DKK per unique student reached

Career day picture.

Sponsor a society for a year

Position your workplace as the best for students when they graduate.

Price is calculated based on the society

App Screenshot Job Posts.

Post your job in a society

Position your workplace as the best for students when they graduate.

Price is calculated based on the society

Company Visit Image.

Company visits

Position your workplace as the best for students when they graduate.

Price is calculated based on the society